My rates for in-person lessons are $25/hour or $15/half hour. The benefits of in-person instruction include directed feedback & correction before bad habits become ingrained, as well as accountability for practicing; however, you can easily learn to play guitar on your own, if you stay committed. Once you reach a basic proficiency, I advise you meet and play with as many other players as you can. Watching them, talking with them about how they do things, and playing with them will not only encourage your progress but make it more fun. The real key for learning is practice. As John Dewey said, you "[l]earn by doing."
These guitar lessons are geared toward the beginner/intermediate range. Beginners will be able to play songs quickly, and current players through the intermediate level may find a new perspective to help their playing, as well as nuggets to incorporate within their playing.
I've ordered things into chunks that make sense to me. Each has its own tab with links below. Each tab opens separately to facilitate toggling between them, and each has a PDF(s) version of the key material, so you can print it out if you like.